• There shall be 5 categories of members viz. Life Members, Associate Members, Honorary Members, Corresponding Members & Corporate Members.
  • Life Members: Only qualified registered medical practitioners possessing Postgraduate degree like MS, MCh, MD, DM, DNB & PHD or equivalent foreign qualification recognized by Medical Council of India are eligible to be life member. The candidate should have worked for a minimum period of two years in any field related to transplantation. Postgraduate trainees should be accepted as trainee member and then promoted to life member after two year of training. Life member will have voting right, right to propose, second and contest for election to society post. Trainee members will not have any such rights.
  • Associate Members : Paramedical persons involved in transplant work such as technicians, nurses, transplant coordinators and designated social workers can be enrolled as associate members. Associate members do not have voting right or the right to propose, second or contest any office of the Society.
  • Honorary Members : Honorary membership may be awarded by governing council to person who have contributed significantly to science of organ transplantation and confirmed by General body. No fees shall be charged from the Honorary members. The Honorary members have no voting rights, right to propose, second or contest for society election.
  • Corresponding Members : Persons involved in transplant work in any country outside India can be enrolled as a corresponding member provided they fulfill the qualifications for life membership.
  • Corporate Member : Any corporate body or individual by donating a minimum of Rs. 15 lacs may be enrolled as corporate member. Corporate member will have no right to vote, propose and second and cannot contest for society election. Corporate member can register two persons for attending the conference of the society. After 10 years corporate membership can be renewed and again the amount to be decided at that time.
  • Not withstanding any condition mentioned above, persons who are already admitted members of the society shall continue to remain members in the categories in which they had previously been admitted.
  • Membership application shall be send to Hon. secretary of the society on the prescribed form as decided by the council. Candidature should be proposed and seconded by two life members of the Society. Application form should be accompanied by the documentary evidence regarding eligibility and the prescribed membership fees as decided by the governing council from time to time. The application will be screened by the secretary and accepted by the Council and should also be put in next Annual General Body. Once accepted by the council, applicant will be accepted to membership.
  • All Classes of members shall have a right to attend any Scientific meeting. Only life members will be eligible to attend General Body meeting of the Society. All will also get a print copy of journal of society and will have access to electronic form of journal of society. All members will be eligible for the privileges decided by the Society from time to time.
  • Any member may resign from membership at any time by writing to the Honorary Secretary. Council shall be the final authority to accept the resignation from membership or to decide on cessation of membership. Membership fee will not be refundable.
  • The council shall have the right to terminate the membership provided that:
    1. Material facts mentioned in the membership application were incorrect. No part of the membership fee will be refunded.
    2. Any member if found guilty of unprofessional behavior or of working against the interest of the Society. However, such members shall be offered full opportunity to present his/her case to the Council. Member if found guilty could be terminated. Termination has to be approved by Annual General Body meeting by two third majority of members present after a prior notification. General body adjourned for lack of quorum cannot take decision regarding termination of membership.
  • A register and soft copy of list of all members containing their names and addresses shall be maintained and brought up to date as and when new members are admitted or old members cease to be members. Any change of address shall be recorded when this is communicated by any member. List of members of the Society with all the details shall be put in the restricted “member area” on the society website. Privacy issue policy of the society and its website should be separately displayed on the website as a link.
  • Rs-4000/- for Life Member and  Associate Member.
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