Dr. Manish R Balwani
Greetings to all the dear
First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the society for entrusting me with the important role of society secretary. ISOT has come a long way since its establishment by its initial pillars who had a great vision. It has been nurtured by its past office bearers who toiled hard to take ISOT to the place where it proudly stands today. Its growing popularity is well evident by the increasing strength of the society
Taking the baton from the previous governing body members who have done an excellent job we strive to take ISOT to new heights. We plan to put policies and guidelines in place to deal with various aspects of transplant issues related to India. We aim to promote research by sharing experiences and conducting multicenter studies.
We eagerly look forward to the opportunity bestowed upon us and try to fulfill the role with zeal and enthusiasm. The secretariat is committed to advance the cause of society and represent society at various levels. In this regard, the support and feedback of the society members is very important.
The new governing body would put all the efforts in making the society a guiding light for patients and doctors for anything and everything concerned with transplant related issues.
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Manish R Balwani